Pricing Info

Pricing Info

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster?

Factors That Will Determine Your Rental Cost

There are several factors that go into the final dumpster rental prices. The list below describes some of the factors that will influence the price of your rental.

  • Dumpster Size
  • Location you need the dumpster rental delivered to
  • Type of material you need to dispose of
  • How long you need the dumpster rental
  • Local taxes
  • Weight of the debris or junk you are getting rid of
pricing info

Locally around Tampa Bay, dumpster rental or trailer rental fees can vary based on the rental company you work with. Here are some of the typical price ranges for rentals that we see along with other fees that are sometimes charged by different companies. You should always ask about your final price before renting a dumpster.

  • base dumpster rental fee $320 - $530
    *This is typically for your delivery & pick up
  • weight or tonnage $70 - $95 per ton
    *Some rentals will include some weight (allowance) in the base fee
  • rental days $20 per day (charged upon pickup)
    *Residential rentals will include up to 7 days in the base fee
  • taxes and city fees
    *The City of Clearwater for example requires an additional 15% tax
  • fuel surcharge fee 3 - 5%
    *Bin There Dump That Tampa Bay does not charge this
  • environmental fee $25 - $100
    *Bin There Dump That Tampa Bay does not charge this

Feel free to give us a call, our expert Dumpster Consultants are knowledgeable and talk to homeowners and contractors every day about renting bins. Bin There Dump That Tampa Bay offers affordable pricing with service you can count on. We understand that renting a dumpster might not be something you have done before or for contractors, it is a small part of a bigger project that you don't want to worry about!

Bin There Dump That Tampa Bay offers specialized services at no additional cost to our customers. Here are some of those services:

  • Driveway protection guarantee, we bring the boards
  • Next day delivery if you call by 10am (Monday to Saturday)
  • Weekend delivery available on Saturday
  • Sweep under the dumpster when your job is complete
  • Same day drop & pick (scheduled in advance)
  • Condo dumpster rental delivery (we'll work with you & your HOA)

*prices vary by location
*weight over the allowance or extra rental days can result in additional fees

Please call for more information.

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